The following article is used with the written permission of the author, Gillian Willis, pharmacist and toxicologist.

Citronella Oil

Citronella oil is a volatile oil obtained from the leaves and stem of the plant Cymbopogon winteratus or Cymbopogon nardus. The oil contains approximately 30% citronellal and 40% geraniol.

It is a volatile (essential) oil and the fumes are potentially toxic to birds. Inhalation of the vapours could cause initial stimulation followed by depression of the central nervous system.

I was unable to find any reports of toxicity from citronella in the avian species. However, this is often used in combination with other essential oils in air fresheners so has the potential for causing toxicity in birds.

I have one report on file of a cat that was bathed in citronella oil. On presentation to the veterinary clinic 24 hours after exposure, the cat was distressed, mewing, disorientated and hypothermic. It had severe irritation and swelling to the skin and was unable to stand.

The cat was bathed, and started on IV fluids. It went into shock and exhibited "abnormal movements." The temperature rose to 39 degrees C. Because the prognosis was poor, the cat was euthanized at the request of the owners.

Because of the potential for toxicity, I would feel uncomfortable having my birds exposed to citronella oil.


Gillian Willis
Vancouver, BC

Copyright © Gillian A.Willis
Permission to re-use any part of this text (whole or in part)
must be obtained from the author.