The following article is used with the written permission of the author, Gillian Willis, pharmacist and toxicologist.

Maple Trees


Red maple (Acer rubrum) is also known as maple, soft maple, scarlet  maple, curled maple and swamp maple.

Maple bark itself, is probably not toxic. However, there is a  fungus that can grow on the bark, inhalation of which, can cause  maple bark disease ( a form of allergic alveolitis). Maple wood would be safe to use for natural wood perches once the bark has been removed.

Maple seeds and the sugar-rich young leaves are considered edible  EXCEPT to horses.

Wilted and dry, not FRESH, maple leaves produce an oxidant which  has caused hemolytic anemia, renal failure, pulmonary edema and  death in horses.


Gillian Willis
Vancouver, BC

Copyright © Gillian A.Willis.
Permission to re-use any part of this text (whole or in part)
must be obtained from the author.