The following article is used with the written permission of the author, Gillian Willis, pharmacist and toxicologist.

Pens, Pencils and Felt Markers

"Lead Pencils"
These do not contain lead. They contain graphite. Graphite is nontoxic to birds.

Children's Coloured Pencils
do not contain toxic dyes, and if inadvertently chewed on by a bird, should not pose a problem.

Ballpoint Pens
do not contain toxic dyes and the small amount of solvent that a bird would ingest is unlikely to be a problem. Best, however, to try to keep your bird from chewing on these.

Felt Markers
There are two types - water washable (non-permanent) and permanent type. Neither of these types contain toxic dyes.

The water washable, non-permanent type will not cause toxicity in a bird, but it will likely cause oral/beak staining.

The permanent type marker has a solvent (usually toluene/xylene) solvent. This type could cause avian toxicity. I was consulted about a CAG who appeared "stoned" after chewing on a permanent marker. The bird did well with supportive care.

In summary, while it is preferable to avoid allowing your bird to chew on pens, pencils etc., in real life this is not practical. We all have our feathered friends who like to "help" us write letters and notes. The only product that should definately be kept away from birds is permanent felt markers.


Gillian Willis
Vancouver, B.C.

Copyright © Gillian A.Willis
Permission to re-use any part of this text (whole or in part)
must be obtained from the author

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