The following article is used with the written permission of the author, Gillian Willis, pharmacist and toxicologist.


Pinecones make excellent toys for birds. Birds love to demolish them. It provides good exercize for busy beaks and may provide a diversion for feather-pluckers.

When collecting pinecones, ensure that they are not old, damp, mouldy or are growing moss. Ideally one should collect pinecones as soon as possible after they have fallen to the ground and before they have become wet from rain. This is not always possible. Pinecones are also a favourite hiding spot for little beasties such as spiders and earwigs.

It is not possible to "sterilize" pinecones but heating in an oven will kill moulds and the little critters and make them safe for the birds to chew on. I heat pinecones in an oven for about 20 minutes at 225 degrees F, then turn off the oven. The pinecones are left in the oven for approximately  2 hours to dry out. It is important not to exceed 225 degrees F. otherwise the pinecones will scorch and possibly catch on fire.

The seeds inside the cones are a special treat and are safe for the birds to eat.


Gillian Willis
Vancouver, BC

Copyright © Gillian A.Willis
Permission to re-use any part of this text (whole or in part)
must be obtained from the author